Can Dentists Fix Perforated Sinus After Dental Implant Surgery?

Go Places and Keep Smiling!

(760) 568-0130

Dental implants are an incredible option for improving your smile after having lost one or more teeth. In rare cases, however, you may begin experiencing new issues with breathing, including nasal congestion. This is a potential sign of a perforated sinus, a complication that sometimes occurs after dental implants. By understanding the symptoms of a perforated sinus, you can get in to receive treatment as soon as possible. The team at Desert Pearl Dentistry is dedicated to helping patients get the most out of their oral health treatments. We’ll help you identify some of the most common symptoms of a perforated sinus and what to do after one occurs.

What Is A Perforated Sinus, and Why They Sometimes Occur With Dental Implants

A membrane in our nasal cavity protects the maxillary sinuses and separates them from the mouth cavity. One potential complication of dental implants is this membrane becoming torn or perforated. This can often lead to a sinus infection, which can be uncomfortable or even painful. Here are some potential symptoms that can indicate that your sinus may be perforated:

  • Nasal Congestion – If you’re experiencing a runny nose or have congestion, this may be because of a perforated sinus. This hole in the membrane allows air and bacteria to flow into the sinus cavity through the mouth, potentially causing an infection.
  • Pain – It’s normal to experience some discomfort after surgery, but those signs are warning signs when it becomes persistent or worsens over time. Pain from a perforated sinus often occurs alongside tenderness or pressure in the upper jaw, sinuses, or teeth.
  • Difficulty Breathing – It can be challenging to breathe through your nose if your sinus has perforated. This is due, in part, to the sinus becoming swollen. Infection is another potential cause.
  • Loss of Smell – In some patients, the sense of smell becomes impacted due to a perforated sinus.
  • Bleeding – A severe perforation can cause the implant site, sinus, or both. If you’re noticing an unusual amount of blood from the implant or when you blow your nose, it’s time to call our office.

Addressing a perforated sinus is a relatively routine procedure. The perforation occurs most often due to the sinus floor broadening as a result of the implant procedure. This expansion causes a gap between the oral cavity and the sinus which can be difficult for a blood clot to fill. When it doesn’t, the result is a perforation requiring oral sealing surgery.

Contact Desert Pearl Dentistry For Perforated Sinus Concerns

If you’ve recently had implant surgery and are experiencing any of the listed symptoms, it’s time to reach out to Desert Pearl Dentistry. We help patients with important oral health choices every day. Among them are improving and restoring their smile with dental implants and seeing them go through recovery successfully. If you’re considering implants or have recently had them and are having symptoms, call us today at (760) 568-0130. We’ll schedule a consultation with Dr. Brian Black or another member of our team. Together we’ll produce a treatment plan that will have your symptoms under control and you back to loving life in no time!